This is a website I made to play Blackjack using the Elm programming language. Which raises a very important question: why would anyone write in Elm?
I know that Elm is not going to catch the world on fire. Judging by the State of JS Survey 2020 it’s not getting any more popular. It’s also weird, it took me probably a good two or three days to figure out how get random numbers properly. But it has something that Typescript does not: if it compiles it almost always works.
I’m not saying I’ve never had errors in Elm, I’m just saying I’ve never had errors where the computer did something silly or unexpected. Every time I’ve encountered an error in Elm it’s always been something where I should have known better and was easily fixed.
Also tests. I write tests in Elm, but for business logic, not “what happens if I accidentally pass an undefined/null/empty value into this function”. I’ve worked with Typescript, and although much better than vanilla JS, it could still be better.
There are downsides though:
For a greenfield project, or something you work on in your spare time I have yet to find anything better.